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Union League Good Citizen Award

Union League Good Citizen Award

    The nomination period for the Union League "Good Citizenship Day" Award is now open for our High School Juniors.  The ICSHL is lucky to be a part of this program sponsored by the Union League of Philadelphia.  This is the 79th year of the program, with over 18,000 awardees to date, involving 48 local youth organizations.  The ICSHL is one of the longest standing organizations in the program.  The mission of the program is to recognize, celebrate, and educate students from the Greater Philadelphia region as engaged and responsible citizens, creating the leaders of tomorrow.  The ICSHL will select seven winners to participate in the Good Citizenship Day.  The award winners must be available to participate in person at the Union League in center city Philadelphia on March 26, 2025, the event date.

To nominate a player, download and complete two PDF files below.

You can complete the forms using a PDF editor, or you can fill them out by hand and scan them to a pdf format.

  • Where the form has "Nominating Agency" or "Nominating Organization", please include ICSHL along with your Club Name.
  • Once completed, e-mail the pdf files to Jack Povey (
  • If you want to send a separate information sheet with your nominee's qualifications, you can include that.

Our seven winning nominations are due to the Union League by Thursday, January 23, 2025, so to give us time to review the nominations and select the winners, the nominations are due to Jack P. by Monday, January 13, 2025.

If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to contact Jack P. by e-mail or by phone at 215-880-2496.

2023-2024 Winners

Kylie Chandler: West Chester East

Alannah Crozier: Pennridge

Brady Founds: West Chester Rustin

James Gabriele, Devon Prep

Koen Graff: Spring-Ford

Ricky Wright: Avon Grove

Tripp Young, Unionville-Wilmington Friends